In this Halloween-themed episode of Ridiculistics, Joe and Tim exhume the strange and spooky origins of idioms. Do you get the heebies, or the jeebies? No judgment. Are you playing devil’s advocate or just being a dick? Do you prefer hell, or breakfast? Or both? And how do you feel about Butterfinger as a trick-or-treat candy? No matter what you like, we invite you to travel up the ghost (ouch!) with us as we figure it all out.
Handy Links from. this episode:
- Butterfinger Fun Size Individually Wrapped Candy Bars
- Saturday Night Fever Soundtrack
- Sixtus V: The Hermit of Villa Montalto by W T Selley – Paperback
- Holy Bible – King James Version (not the author)
- McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs
- From Hell to Breakfast by Douglas Alcorn, Raymond Souster – Hardcover