Ep. 005: “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas”

Ep. 005: "‘Twas the Night Before Christmas"

Happy holidays! This year, because homemade gifts are always the best kind, Joe and Tim have made you a special episode of Ridiculistics, full of seasonal surprises, glorious goodies and pedagogical pleasures!

Idioms are on break, so we’re flying antlers-first into everyone’s favorite holiday poem, “‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Everyone knows Clement Clarke Moore was the poem’s author…OR WAS HE? How is Santa simultaneously fat AND tiny? And has his assistant been hiding in plain sight all along?! Oh, and you probably don’t know what a sugar plum is — but you will!

From Dunder to Donner, from Nakatomi Plaza to Bedford Falls, and from Christmas Eve Day to Christmas NightEveDayNight, this episode is so good you’ll throw up your sash!

So cozy up — and thistle down — to a warm fire with a hot toddy, and rip the wrapping off this episode like a rabid, sleep-deprived 6-year-old . And from Joe and Tim to all our Ridiculisteners: Merry all of the things to all, and to all a good night!

Christmas Poem and Author Controversy

Sugar Plums and Candy Lore

Reindeer Names and Dutch Influence

Holiday Language and Fun